
Please feel free to download a copy of our current Canteen Menu:

Winterfold Canteen Menu Terms 2&3 2024

The canteen is open for recess and lunch on Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the school term.

PLEASE have all lunch orders completed at by 8am on the day of order or 9am if placing in person.

Recess items are only guaranteed to be available if ordered. Recess orders are collected from the canteen. Lunch orders are collected by each room from the canteen.
Lunch order bags are available from the canteen, the front office or you can use a paper bag from home.

We follow the Department of Education’s Healthy Food and Drink Policy & traffic light system.

foods fill the menu
AMBER foods are limited
RED foods are off the menu

The canteen is always looking for volunteers! To express your interest in volunteering, please drop in to the canteen or email:

As many products as possible are sourced from our school garden. We also welcome your garden produce!