School hours and Attendance

Start of day
End of recess
Lunch and eating time
Play time
Prepare for class
End of lunch
End of school day

Attendance at school

Daily attendance and punctual arrival of students is compulsory as laid down in the Education Act; this includes Kindy and Pre-Primary students. Acceptable reasons for absence from the school are for illness, medical and dental appointments. Students taking “In-Term” holidays will require parents to fill in the appropriate form available in hard copy from the front office, or you can download a form using the link below:

In Term Holiday Form

Parents need to write a note to their children’s teacher or see the class teacher personally giving the reason for any absence from school. Students must NOT leave the school grounds without written permission from parents/carers. Unless otherwise advised, it will be assumed that information supplied will be accurate for the current school year.

When collecting a child from school before the end of the school day parents are required to collect a Leave Pass at the front office and hand it to the teacher. Late students must report to the office before going to their classroom. This is recorded as ‘late’, and students are issued with a Late Slip. Parents should note that Literacy lessons are frequently held first thing in the day and students who are late will miss those lessons. Again, a student whose attendance falls below 90% is considered to be Educationally “At Risk” of not achieving.