
Dress and appearance

In order to avoid injuries to feet, suitable footwear is required. The wearing of thongs is unacceptable. High heeled shoes, jewellery, make-up, items of value, mobile phones and nail polish have no place at school during normal school hours. Earrings should be of the ‘sleeper’ or stud type only. Wristwatches are acceptable. Should there be reasons why a student cannot comply with the uniform requirements; parents will need to arrange an interview with the Principal to receive an exemption. No valuables or toys are to be brought to school. If it is vital for students to have a mobile phone these need to be checked in at the Front Office each morning and collected at the end of the school day. A “Parent Authority” note (available at the front office) will need to be completed if a student wishes to have a mobile phone at school. The school does not accept responsibility for any item of value brought to school.


The School Board has endorsed the Dress Code Policy and recommends the wearing of our school uniform. The Dress Code Policy is included in each child’s enrolment package and is to be discussed, signed and returned to the school. Our uniform consists of various suitable clothing in maroon, white and grey. Runners, sandals or other covered, flat shoes are required to be worn at all times. Uniforms are sold by P&C volunteers from the Uniform Shop located in the Under Cover Area. Check with the front office for opening days and times for 2018. The uniform shop accepts cash and EFTPOS facilities are available. Alternatively, order forms can be completed and paid for at the front office, by cash only, to be forwarded on to the Uniform Co-ordinators. Second hand uniforms are usually available from the Uniform Shop. A “No Hat No Sun” policy operates throughout the year and the

P&C kindly donate a wide brimmed hat to each new student. ALL CLOTHING MUST BE LABELLED WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME.

Download a copy of the UniformOrderForm2025